Food For Thought
A healthy body needs love & care.
It likes nutritious food, regular exercise, and positive social interactions. Walking to a restaurant to enjoy dinner with a friend is a great way to take care of both your body and mind.
Our bodies need around 50 different nutrients to function well, so the quality of our food matters. Going vegetarian works for some people, while others function more optimally by eating meat.
The famous Mediterranean diet comes highly recommended, though there are plenty of ways to eat well. The presence of colorful veggies is a through line in all healthy eating patterns.
stay open to trying new things.
If you have a Farmer’s Market or a grocery store with lots of produce options, try exploring different fruits and vegetables. From fennel to bok choy to okra, there’s so much to discover.
Recently, my neighbor gifted me with passion fruit from her garden. It tasted delicious and is a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and positive plant compounds.
I'm a proponent of health at any age and see it as an adventure. Ask yourself, “What’s something new I can eat today?” or “Where can I take a walk?” Stay flexible, have fun, and enjoy!